Thursday, December 1, 2011

Free Download 6.72F

Change Log

- Base HP regeneration from 1 to 1.25

Bane Elemental
- Enfeeble manacost rescaled from 125 to 95/105/115/125

- Quill Spray is no longer blocked by Vanguard, Stout Shield, etc

Centaur Warchief
- Return base damage increased from 10 to 16

Drow Ranger
- Frost Arrows no longer reduce attack speed
- Frost Arrows movement speed reduction from 10/20/30/40 to 11/24/37/50

- Armor increased by 1

- Base Intelligence from 16 to 18
- Ghost Ship cooldown from now scales 90 to 90/80/70

Lina Inverse
- Fiery Soul movement bonus increased from 2/3/4/5% to 3/4/5/6%

Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear can no longer use Return if it has taken damage from a player unit in the last 3 seconds

- Feral Impulse AoE reduced from global to 900
- Shapeshift base attack rate changed to 1.5 (a nerf)
- Wolves HP reduced from 400/475/550/625 to 400/450/500/550

Naga Siren
- Song of the Siren duration increased from 6 to 7 seconds
- Rip Tide cooldown from 12 to 10 seconds

- Sun Ray damage increased from 4% to 6%
- Fire Spirits sub ability now launches all the spirits at once, rather than one at a time
- Fire Spirits min/max numbers rebalanced

Pit Lord
- Armor reduced by 1

- Strength from 27 + 3.4 to 25 + 2.8
- Overgrowth cooldown increased from 100/95/90 to 115/105/95

Shadow Demon
- Disruption cast range decreased from 700 to 600

Shadow Priest
- Shadow Wave always heals you first before it jumps (so it won't jump back to you randomly during the bounce. This does not eat up one of your bounce limits either)

- Strength growth decreased from 2.8 to 2.4
- Movement speed decreased from 295 to 290
- Charge of Darkness stun duration decreased from 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 to 1.2/1.6/2.0/2.4 seconds
- Nether Strike now hits a Greater Bash based on it's current level and not auto-lvl4

Storm Spirit
- Base Strength increased by 2

- Warlus Punch normal critical strike restored from 2.25 to 2.5x


Cranium Basher
- Recipe cost from 1150 to 1000

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
- HP regeneration is now equal to the total of its components (10->11)

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